According to the American Heart Association, 360,000 people suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital. Less than 10 percent of those people survive.
However, if bystanders immediately perform hands-only CPR or use an AED while waiting for paramedics to arrive survival rates can skyrocket.
Take Action
Good Samaritan laws are in place by state and federal government to protect bystanders who do something instead of nothing. Feel confident helping in an emergency knowing you’re protected.
Are you smarter than a sixth grader?
At least 70% of Americans feel helpless during an emergency. But a widely reported study of “mock” cardiac arrests found untrained sixth-graders used AEDs almost as well as medical professionals did. AEDS are designed to be used by anyone with simple audio and visual commands. The device automatically analyzes the heart’s rhythm and delivers a shock only if appropriate.
♪♫♬ Listen to the beat ♪♫♬
Is there anything Beyonce can’t do? Research shows people are more likely to remember the correct rate of compressions when trained to the beat of a familiar song. Choose from “Crazy in Love” to “Turn Down for What.” Find your perfect, life-saving song on AHA’s Spotify Playlist.
AHA Spotify PlaylistThe Big Three
There are many ways you can help if someone is having heart attack, here are three you should remember.